The pricelist of teleconference services
number of rooms |
lump sum |
CZK/min |
over 6 |
PIN change |
Silver | 1 |
295 |
6,90 |
1 |
100,00 |
Gold | 3 |
790 |
5,90 |
0,90 |
70,00 |
Platinum | 5 |
1290 |
5,70 |
0,70 |
50,00 |
Diamant | 8 |
1990 |
5,50 |
0,50 |
zdarma |
The prices don’t include VAT.
Up till 6 users, the total amount of time spent in telecommunication rooms regardless the number of users in conference is being paid. Any user above this maximum number (7 and more) of conference users pays in case of higher number of users in the conference.
The pricelist is valid from: 1st January 2009

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